Connectedness. We all need it. Some even crave it. We feel approved, validated and supported when we are connected to others. Recently I had a long conversation with an acquaintance who was feeling rather boxed in. Trapped, if you will. Disconnected. Unappreciated. Alone. Even in the midst of others.
Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear, and a willingness to learn that we really aren’t so alone. That other like-minded individuals are much closer than we think. That others are going through similar circumstances. That others have been where we find ourselves. And then, we feel human again. Connected. That we matter. A part of something bigger than ourselves. And that we can identify with others who are part of this bigger picture we call life.
When we become part of the family of God, we become connected to others with similar beliefs, those who are now related to us through Christ. And Christ is the head of the church. Yet the church is not a building. It is the people belonging to God through a common faith in Jesus Christ. The church building is merely a space to gather. Together, as believers, we share a common faith, hope, love, scripture, and purpose.
We are better together than we are apart. Now admittedly we all need time alone, and every believer needs time alone with God. But together in fellowship, we can share our faith, experiences, worship, and encourage one another.
Someone once related it to me this way: the church is like many coals that keep a fire burning. Together they burn hotter, and keep the fire going. A single piece of coal singled out, will not keep the embers going and will soon fade out and grow cold.
So whether you have been missing out on regular worship or fellowship with other believers, or just haven’t figured out who in your every day world is like-minded; be encouraged and get connected with and to other believers. Together, we are the church (and I don’t mean a building or denomination), and we are part of something much bigger and better than we can imagine.
Brothers and Sisters: Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:23-25).
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