Today is the beginning of something very new for me. My son, Daniel, is working with me to set up this webpage. It is interesting how the events of my life are coming together to begin the process of writing. I was exhorted last week by my son and daughter-in-law to begin writing. I did not really know where to start.
Yet, if we are really listening to God, we see these ordinary events as answers to prayer. God, how do I get started writing? I don't know where to begin. And the answer comes through conversations, a son who helps me set up a web page, and books, and you name it. If we are listening, the answers appear. The key is to listen and to heed.
The answer is in writing a page a day. The answer is to begin this blog. The answer is to learn this technology to begin writing and sharing thoughts on the internet - something new for my generation. The answers are there - if we will but listen and tune into the still small voice of our creator God, who can be seen in the ordinary, daily events of our lives. Cool.